Jeff Sikes

Posts, notes and more from Box464

My new interests - the Fediverse, Mastodon and the creative IndieWeb community keep me entertained. My days are filled with .NET and other Microsoft technologies.
Discussions and photos of my dog may slip into a post now and then.

Understanding Firefish Plugins

In this post we’re going to take a deep dive into Firefish Plugins. By the end, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about the safety of a plugin and know how to install them. What is Firefis...

The Retro Magic of Style Switchers

What’s a style switcher? Well, you know all about light and dark mode, right? Or, you might be more familiar with the term “theme” or “skin” - it’s all the same thing. A style switcher allows you t...

Touch Tone your Funny Bone

Recently, my organization decided to switch our phone system to “soft phones”, meaning your work calls come in via a software app rather than having a physical phone at each desk. The pandemic obvi...

Mastodon API - Media Only Parameters

The official Mastodon API documentation has many endpoints that return collections of Status objects, but not all have the same parameters. An interesting one is the ability to request only posts ...

Apple Shortcut for Hide my Email

If you have an iOS device and an iCloud+ subscription, you can create random email addresses to use whenever you’re creating a new account, signing up for a newsletter or any field really that asks...

Weekend Project - Mastodon Starter Kits

I have a new weekend coding project: Mastodon Starter Kits! This is very new, so I don’t have much public code to share just yet. The idea here is to provide a starting point for testing new ideas...