I’m continuing my quest to pass all the Webmention Rocks! tests and receive my badge of IndieWeb honor. In a nutshell, the IndieWeb is about owning your content. Making your site the central repository and then dispersing to other platforms from there.
One of the concepts is very fediversy/activitypubish. If I create a post and mention another person’s site or a specific article on their site, I can setup a process that lets them know their content has been noticed. It’s similar to creating a Mastodon post and directly naming someone. Let’s say @[email protected] writes a comment:
I saw @[email protected] post about puppies. There weren’t enough corgis.
As you are probably aware, when you are mentioned, you get a DING in your app letting you know. This is similar.
My website should also SEND responses back, so if I respond back with:
@[email protected] I completely agree, there can never be enough corgi photos in the world.
Then a webmention should be sent back to them.
To pass the webmention update test, I have to send a webmention to this page and verify the post is seen as “pending” when I view it.
Afterwards, I have to make a modification to this page and then verify that the new webmention was sent as well.
Let’s go.
Step 1 worked, as usual. Now on to Step 2.
Adding a link to the updated blog.
So, I cheated a bit here. My configuration with IFTT isn’t working as expected. When I update an existing post, the IFTT trigger doesn’t see it as a “new” RSS feed item, so it ignores it.
Instead, I used another IndieTool, Telegraph to set the source and target webmention requests, and it worked! After submitting the two updates, all 3 tests passed and I got the success prompt. Woot!
So I still need to figure out a process that triggers a webmention submission after a post is UPDATED or DELETED automatically - this process is just manual. At LEAST I understand the concept a bit better. Progress, I’ll take it!
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Posts, Re-Posts and Bookmarks
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